Some of the ghosts you can see in the real world ... but some are hidden deep in your soul. … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

One of the first things we learn to do in life is to protect ourselves ... but not in a physical way, cause most probably ... today ... the danger comes in a different way to us.

And you see more and more people in the company of their pets, especially dogs, cause animals love them in an unconditional way.

All of us have disappointments and if we should explore the life of a king or one of a pauper we could see the same things on the list of disappointments.

And if you’ll have the chance to chat about this subject with the king, but also with the pauper ... they will speak for hours about the elements from that list ... elements that made them see life ... in a negative way.

You see ... all those disappointments from the past become for us ... kind of a ghost ... and not let us enjoy life in the proper way.


The ghost can be the memory of an unhappy childhood, generated by a parent that did not know to offer us the love we needed at that time ... or a love story that ended, but without being consumed etc etc.

The ghost ... is a time from the past that touched our soul.

And just seeing in the inner or outside world something that reminds us of that ... i believe is enough to make us feel again those times.

Is not that you experience again a meeting with the ghost from your own past, but it will not disappear .... unless you speak with it.

Ignoring ... the hidden ghost will let the agony ... continue.

But you see ... there are things we can avoid in life and also situations that are so powerful that are touching us for a life time.

The auto protective mode ... it will not work and should make no sense to work.

Just explore and analyze why that something touched your inner soul so damm much ... and them re define your life a little bit ... going much deeper in that direction.

You won’t be able to run forever ... cause the ghost will keep reappearing on and on and on.





Download the book ”Exploring ourselves ... we will understand what life is aboutwritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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